New legislation states that by 1 January 2020, or sooner if the property is to be sold, an existing septic tank that discharges into a watercourse must be replaced or upgraded.
Recently we were faced with the challenge of replacing a septic tank that served two properties. The existing soakaway had failed and effluent from the tank was running into a watercourse. The customers decided it would be a good idea to seperate the two systems and we installed two new sewage treatment plants and replaced all the existing clay pipes back to the properties.
Modern sewage treatment plants produce very clean discharge, therefore the effluent was able to discharge into a stream that ran below the properties, so there was no need for a soakaway. It proved to be an extremely difficult job due to very poor access through a steep woodland. However that was not an issue as we have all the necessary machinery to complete the job.
If you have a septic tank that has failed or discharges into a watercourse, then do not hesitate to give us a call and we would be happy to give you advice or a quote. Call 07918868084
